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Localization Tutorial

Create localization for Translate.Net in your language. I am will be pleased to have localization to many languages as possible.

Here a few simple steps:

  1. Download and rename Original.lng or other .lng file from directory to some file named like mylanguage.lng
    (Alternatively you can use "c:\Program Files\SAU KP\Translate.Net\lang\Original.lng" or other .lng file from directory "c:\Program Files\SAU KP\Translate.Net\lang\" )
  2. Open .lng file in any text editor (like Notepad) or even in MS Word (as utf-8 txt)
  3. Add/Edit translations strings. Format of .lng file described below
  4. Send new .lng file to me

.lng file format:

.lng file format very simple - each translation contains two lines - one with English text, second with localized. First one with square brackets ([]) as English text, second - with translation
Sample of French translation of two lines:

[&Select Аll]
&Sélectionner tout

Localization file also contains special symbols. You can move them in line, but please don't remove them:

  • & - Accelerator of menu, underlined letter shortcut (when Alt pressed)
  • \r\n - newline string, by ex. : [The profile {0} will be deleted.\r\nAre you sure ?]
  • {0},{1},{2},{3} - format placeholders, marks where other data will be inserted by tool, by example : [Downloaded {0}Kb from {1}Kb with speed {2}Kb/s]
  • \\ - backslash, by ex. [Show\\Hide]

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