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Using of "language detection" and "intelligent switching of translation directions" in Translate.Net

Language detection feature created for speedup and simplify switching among different translation directions. This is powerful feature but it has pitfalls which can add more troubles instead of easy use. So, in some scenarios you probably will needed to disable automatic switching of translation directions.

Current implementation based on Google AJAX Language API. This is very smart engine, but as any others has some "leaks" based on nature of languages - here sometime not possible to accurately detect language for single word (or small sentence) - the word can exists in few languages or engine don't know this word or exists mathematical inaccuracy of statistical methods used. Tests show - the optimal length of text for detecting 15-25 characters for European languages.

To reduce drawbacks of such problems Translate.Net include two intelligent methods:

  • minimal length of sentence needed to automatically switch translation direction - allow to reduce count of "false switching"
  • history of detected language and language used for translation (selected by user), so next time in case of wrong detection tool will "fix" this.

Full process of "intelligent switching" of translation directions include next steps :

  1. When user switch input language (keyboard layout) - tool will seek the most appropriate profile and translation direction. This process based on history of used translations directions and translation directions of profiles. If nothing found - tool will try to set translation direction based on installed input languages (language layouts).
  2. When user type some text (or paste text from clipboard or call tool from other application by system-wide hotkeys) - Translate.Net query Google AJAX Language API for language of text and then show detected language in status bar. If text length greater of "minimal limit", tool will select translation direction based on detected language, history of "fixes" of detected languages, history of used translations directions and installed input languages (language layouts).

Management of intelligent switching of translation directions

When tool used for translating very different languages, (by ex. English-Chinese), then "minimal length" can be reduced to "0". After some time of using, tool will "learn" all "fixes" user made (by ex. Maltese->English) and after learning tool will perfectly switch directions.
Please note, if tool has selected wrong translation direction you should select correct direction and rerun translation process. After this, tool will memorize correct direction.

When used similar languages, (by ex. European languages) the "minimal limit" should be default (20 characters). Lesser value - 5-15 characters can be used too, but in this case please be prepared for "false switching". In some cases needed to increase limit or disable automatic switching for detected language at all.


You can change setting of language detection\intelligent switching by use "Options" dialog

or via "Tools" menu

You can disable language detection at all, or disable one of "intelligent switching" modes. Additionally "Options" dialog allow to setup "minimal limit" of text length for automatic switching of profiles by changing "Switch by detected language only when text length greater of" text box value.

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